Sunday, May 22, 2011

Where I Came From - 01 Los Angeles Family

I am an aging, white, male--mostly English, German, Scotch and Spanish.

I lived my first two years across Cahuenga Pass from the Hollywood Bowl.
Father worked for Warner Bros. He brought me home a dog that was half wolf. He chain smoked, tarred roofs, sand-blasted,and spray-painted with lead. He died in 1948--before McCarthyism.
I was diagnosed as asthmatic at two. Years later, digging through the hall closet, I found Father's stuff: a banjo, a mandolin, his air raid warden's hat, a gas mask, two ammo boxes, and an old engraved revolver that took paper cartridges.
Mother liked Ike. She left the Episcopal church to become Presbyterian. She taught me to read Donald Duck Comics and how to work my times tables. I pulled the wings off butterflies and played with fire. After I told her that I wanted to play sax; she paid for piano, violin, and accordion lessons. I played in the first violin section of the 101 piece Virgil Junior High Little Symphony, under conductor Raymond Wurfl. She wanted me to become a Marine, but died in 1954--I was a Tenderfoot Boy Scout.
I saw my first UFO in Fish Canyon while my fellow scouts slept. It subscribed a helix path, extremely high up, till it ran out of sun. I concede this one may have been a weather balloon caught in a large vortex.                    
My family had been bigots.

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